A recommended list of items to include in a “Grab and Go” in the event of an emergency and evacuation.
Flashlight, batteries, and light sticks
Portable radio and batteries
Keys (house and car)
Money (coins and bills)
Glasses, contact lenses and solutions
Medications (at least one week supply)
Comfortable shoes, two pairs of socks
Comfortable clothing (sweats, extra underwear)
Jacket, cap or hat
Whistle (call for help if trapped)
Pocket knife
Watch or clock
Paper and pencil
“Okay” and “Help” signs
Emergency phone list, out-of-state
contact #
Lists of people to notify of you are injured
Copies of important documents: insurance, identification, etc.
Small first aid kit
Toilet articles: comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, razor, washcloth, face,
towel, shampoo, lotion, lip balm, emeryboard, nail clipper, sanitary
products, tissue, etc. Toilet Paper
Zip-lock bags, plastic grocery bags
Good book, playing cards, crossword puzzles
Work gloves, several pairs of latex gloves
Lightweight blanket
Plastic ground cloth/ Emergency tent
Hard Hat/ Dust Mask (two)
Hammer and folding shovel/ Rope
Crow bar (may need to move debris)
Drinking Water – store in a separate
place, minimum one gallon per person)
Snacks (granola bars, trail mix, peanut butter)
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