About QIEP

The Quadra Island Emergency Program (QIEP) is under the auspices of our local government, the Strathcona Regional District, specifically the Strathcona Emergency Program (SEP). QIEP is a group of over 100 trained local volunteers helping Quadra Island prepare for, and respond to, an emergency event or disaster – such as an earthquake, wildfire, or other natural or man-made disaster. Our goal is to ensure that Quadra Island is safer and better prepared for an emergency event or disaster, by helping individuals and neighbourhoods become resilient and adaptive. We provide:

  • Leadership to all volunteers who will be called upon during an emergency event.
  • Training and exercises so teams can share skills and better anticipate challenges prior to an actual event.
  • Support for neighbourhood preparedness during and after a disaster by education people and working with neighbourhoods to ensure they are better prepared to help themselves and others impacted by disaster.

The Quadra Island Emergency Program includes the following components:

The QIEP works closely with the Quadra Island Fire Department, the Quadra RCMP, and BC Ambulance Services.

If you would like to learn more about the Emergency Program, or volunteer to help, please click on info@quadraemergency.ca or preparedness@srd.ca

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