Emergency Support Services

Emergency Support Services (ESS) is ‘the heart of emergency response’ and provides short-term basic support to people impacted by disasters. The program is financed by the B.C. provincial government and administered by the Strathcona Regional District through the Quadra Island Emergency Program.

The goal of ESS is to help people begin to re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster by:

  • Helping people meet their basic survival needs during a disaster
  • Reuniting families
  • Providing accurate and up-to-date information.

ESS provides short-term temporary services (typically for 72 hours) for individuals and families affected by disasters so they can begin to plan their next steps. Services may be provided on site for small scale events (such as a house fire), or at a Reception Centre facility for larger responses, and may include:

  • Food
  • Lodging
  • Clothing and essential supplies
  • Emotional Support
  • Child Care
  • Pet Care
  • Family Reunification

What is Emergency Support Services? 

In the event of a significant emergency, Emergency Support Services (ESS) may be provided at one or more pre-designated facilities. The actual facilities chosen would depend on the nature and location of the emergency, facility availability and other factors.

Reception Centres

A Reception Centre would be the primary location from which ESS services would be delivered, and is where evacuees would come to be registered, obtain information and receive support services in accordance with their needs.

Quadra Island has 6 potential Reception Centre locations identified.

What is a Reception Centre?

Group Lodging

In the event of a large evacuation, if sufficient commercial lodging is not available, a dormitory-style Group Lodging facility may be established for evacuees.

Quadra Island has 2 potential Group Lodging locations identified.

What is a Group Lodging Facility?

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